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18th November 2011

FWN Warning List

FWN Warning list

This List  is referred in Particular to old FWN Partners that still have Pending with FWN Netting, most of the time cause financial problems- The list will be updated accordingly with the Settled Amounts or New Events:


Trans Global Gmbh Germany   USD 778.31      ( Demourrage-absorbed )


Sun Cargo Porto Rico                USD  10,710.00 ( Court Action )

Multitrans Vietnam                    USD 61,60         (Royalties-absorbed)

Ittalianline Brazil                       USD 30,550.00 ( Reduced- Court Action )

Trans Orbit Sri Lanka                USD 3,895.68   ( Court Action )

Sem Logistic Turkey                  USD 1,606.70    ( Court Action )

FWN is taking related court actions against debtors but Any Partners credit recover support is well appreciated- Please contact FWN Management in order to agree for Credit Recover Protection Fee - Thanks

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Africa (3) (34) (1)
America (2) (1)
Asia (4) (11)
Australia/NZ (8)
Europe (4) (31) (1)
Indian Sub-Continent (3) (6)
Latin America (3) (19)
Middle East (4) (12) (1)
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