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30Th May 2014

FWN Warning List 5/14

FWN Warning List

FWN Warning list

This List  is referred in Particular to old FWN Partners that still have Pending with FWN Netting, most of the time cause financial problems- The list will be updated accordingly with the Settled Amounts or New Events:


......................                             USD  .................    ( .................... )


JD Santos Maritime Brazil       USD 23,749.30     (Cour Action - Remboursement )

Trans Global Gmbh Germany   USD 778.31     ( Demourrage-Court Action )

Sun Cargo Porto Rico                USD  10,710.00 ( Court Action )

Multitrans Vietnam                    USD 61,60         (Royalties-absorbed)  

Ittalianline Brazil                       USD 30,550.00 ( Reduced- Negotiation )

Trans Orbit Sri Lanka                USD 3,895.68   ( Court Action )

Sem Logistic Turkey                  USD 1,606.70    ( Court Action )

HHG Hamburg Log. Turkey     USD 13,873.14  ( Court Action )

FWN is taking related court actions against debtors but Any Partners credit recover support is well appreciated- Please contact FWN Management in order to agree for Credit Recover Protection Fee - Thanks

The map
Africa (3) (34) (1)
America (2) (1)
Asia (4) (11)
Australia/NZ (8)
Europe (4) (31) (1)
Indian Sub-Continent (3) (6)
Latin America (3) (19)
Middle East (4) (12) (1)
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